On My Own

This is a wallpaper of Three Days Grace I made. It has the lyrics of my favorite song by them called "On My Own". There are three versions of this wallpaper. Two are similar(first and second version). Anyway, you can see them below.
 This is the first vesion of the wallpaper.
This is the second version of the wallpaper

This is the third version. It's very much similar to the second one. The only difference is that "On My Own" & "Three Days Grace" is written is black and white style.

To see a better version of the wallpapers, click on the pictures.


Safadi said...

I'm sure it will be an awesome album.

Dark_Calling said...

lol, this isnt the new album, its the lyrics from their second album song "on my own",but yeah, it will be an awesome album

Safadi said...

oh lol, i didn't know...
they r good lyrics.

Dark_Calling said...

hehe...how about the designs, u didnt comment on them!

Safadi said...

LOL, i like them.