Breaking The Habit

This is a wallpaper that contains the lyrics of my favorite Linkin Park song, "Breaking The Habit".
Click on the picture for better view.

On My Own

This is a wallpaper of Three Days Grace I made. It has the lyrics of my favorite song by them called "On My Own". There are three versions of this wallpaper. Two are similar(first and second version). Anyway, you can see them below.
 This is the first vesion of the wallpaper.
This is the second version of the wallpaper

This is the third version. It's very much similar to the second one. The only difference is that "On My Own" & "Three Days Grace" is written is black and white style.

To see a better version of the wallpapers, click on the pictures.

Life Starts Now Teaser

It's a video that shows about the making of Life Starts Now and the band talking about it.

Life Starts Now Track Listing

Here is the track listing for the album I'm waiting for:
1. Bitter Taste
2. Break
3. World So Cold
4. Lost In You
5. The Good Life
6. No More
7. Last To Know
8. Someone Who Cares
9. Bully
10. Without You
11. Goin' Down
12. Life Starts Now
The first single is Break, which is going to be released on September 1.

Avatar For Me Made By A Friend

This is it...I really like it...I like the design, colors, everything in it!

Robotish Signature

It has been a long time since I made a signature so I made one, which has two versions.These are two versions of my new signature...I used the clipping mask in both. Clipping mask is an option that shows a small part of your render(picture). For example, in first picture, it's on the top right. In the second picture it's at the right of the render directly. I like the second version of the signature more.

Another 2 Display Pix

These are some other Ramadan pictures made by me using photoshop...they look really good!

Ramadan Display Pictures

I made the yellowish one for myself and the blueish one for my friend. Honestly, I like the yellowish one more.

Life Starts Now by Three Days Grace

This is the cover of Life Starts Now, the third album by Three Days Grace, which is going to be released on September 22nd. I really am amazed by this picture and I can't wait for this album. I don't know what this picture resembles,though.

Dark Calling Display Picture

I made a display picture for myself. This is it...

Cirque Du Freak Poster

The movie based on Darren Shan's Cirque Du Freak series is now called The Vampire's Assistant and this is the amazing poster.